Set 140 years after Ekbäck’s acclaimed novel Wolf Winter, this thriller encompasses all the best elements of historical fiction. Taking us back to the Swedish Laplands and the Nordic mountain town of Blackåsen, In the Month of the Midnight Sun is a gripping noir novel that explores the relationship between race, religion and morality.
Written from the point of view of four characters, we meet Magnus, a geologist sent to uncover the truth about a brutal massacre under the guise of a surveyor. His sister-in-law, Lovisa, joins him on the mission, sent in disgrace by her father.
When they meet an Indigenous Sami woman named Biijä and hear about her late husband Nila, a convoluted yet compelling story unfolds that will light your inner detective.
At times a long and complicated read, you’ll be rewarded for sticking with this one to the end.