
Are you moving on or running away? : Eight keys to navigate life transitions

Are you moving on or running away? : Eight keys to navigate life transitions

There is no ‘one size fits all’ answer in transition. Each of us will respond differently when they arise, and the best and healthiest course of action will vary. Often, the answer lies in our ability to recognise whether we are running away from a situation or if we’re naturally moving on to something new.

How the transition from ‘teenager with parents’ to ‘adult with parents’ is like playing Xbox on Level: Hard

How the transition from ‘teenager with parents’ to ‘adult with parents’ is like playing Xbox on Level: Hard

Sometimes the transition into adulthood, especially in a family environment, is long and gradual. Other times, I feel it is more of a sudden lurch as if I have suddenly missed a step and am attempting to find the ground.